Xanthan Gum
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Xanthan Gum

About Xanthan Gum

Xanthan gum is a high-viscosity watersoluble microbial exopolysaccharide mainly made from starchiness through specific biological fermentation, refinement, drying and smashing with the help of Xanthomonas.


The primary structure of Xanthan gum is the main chain of β (1→4)-D-glucose linked in a linear way. There is a trisaccharide branched chain every other glucose at the location of C-3. It comprises a glucuronic acid residue that links the mannose unit at the end via (1→4) and links the second mannose on the main chain via (1→2). About 50% mannose residues at the end are acidified by acetone. Residues not at the end usually carry an acetyl at the location of C-6. About 20% mannoses at the end can be acetylated to generate six repeating units. The carboxyl on the side chain makes Xanthan gum molecules carry negative charges.


Xanthan gum is soluble in cold and hot water. Featuring high viscosity, high acid-alkali resistance, salt tolerance and high thermal stability, it is one of the biological gums with the best performance at present. Xanthan gum can be widely applied to food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and other industries as emulsifier, thickener, suspending agent and stabilizer.


天博体育在线登录官网入口 selects excellent bacterial species and carbon sources, organic nitrogen sources as well as a proper amount of trace elements, adopts advanced fermentation and extraction process and strict quality management and develops application solutions of Xanthan gum in fields like dairy drinks, sweet foods, rice and flour products, sauces, meat products, daily chemical and pet foods to meet different demands of customers. 

Xanthan gum


Seasoning sauces, baking, desserts, beverages, flour products, pharmaceutical daily chemicals, pet food

Seasoning sauce

Seasoning sauces

In salad dressing, it performs very good particle suspension and emulsion stability. It also performs very well in salty pasted/liquid sauces and can reduce bleeding of pasted sauces

Also works very well in high salt sauces/sauce

Reduce the water shedding of sauces

Baking products

It can retain the humidity, increase the softness, improve the taste of baking foods, postpone starch aging and prolong the shelf life of baking foods, it can improve the stability and taste of baking stuffing

Delay starch aging and improve shelf life of baked goods

Use in baked fillings to improve their stability and mouthfeel

Baked goods
Baked goods

Baked goods

Maintains humidity, increases softness and improves the taste of baked goods

Delay starch aging and improve shelf life of baked goods

Use in baked fillings to improve their stability and mouthfeel


Flour products

Improve foam resistance

Improve dough strength and improve the production capacity of flour products

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